According to Stats Canada, one in four young Canadians provides some form of care to a family member or friend, often a grandparent or parent. These young family caregivers typically assist with tasks like housework and transportation, spending an average of 2-4 hours per week on caregiving. While many young caregivers express positive outcomes, such as stronger relationships with their loved ones, a large proportion also experience negative effects. Anxiety, fatigue, overwhelm, and irritability are commonly reported, leading to emotional, mental, and physical strain.
The Impact of Caregiving On Young Caregivers
Nearly half of young caregivers are also full-time students, while most others are engaged in paid employment. Unfortunately, caregiving responsibilities have a significant impact on their daily activities. Around 20% of young family caregivers report challenges with school, including missing classes and falling behind on assignments. For those in the workforce, over one-third reported arriving late, leaving early, or taking time off to manage caregiving duties.
Given the demands placed on young family caregivers, it’s essential to explore new solutions that provide them with much-needed respite. Technology-based home care solutions may be particularly helpful, as younger generations are more familiar with technology and often rely on it to manage various aspects of their lives. Equipping them with tools to meet their caregiving responsibilities will help ensure they can maintain a healthy balance between school, work, and caregiving.
How Gravitii Supports Young Family Caregivers
We aim to support young family caregivers by providing efficient, easy-to-use tools that allow them to access the care their loved ones need. With academic and professional responsibilities to juggle, younger caregivers don’t have the time or energy to navigate complex systems. Gravitii’s platform helps simplify the process, giving them access to home care providers quickly and easily, while also ensuring they get the respite they need to focus on their education and careers.